Monday, 29 December 2014

Stephen Harper: there is no need to sign arms control

"And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more."

Isiah 2:4

Harper government says there is no need to sign arms control treaty because Canada’s export controls are the strongest

Stephen Harper has refused to sign or ratify global Arms Trade Treaty, brokered through the United Nations in a lengthy process, came into effect this Christmas Eve, 2014, 90 days after the 50th nation had ratified it.

Most arms come from rich industrial nations like Canada and the US and go to poor countries with undemocratic governments.

On the same day the treaty came into force, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird issued a written statement (the only way this government communicates most of the time) rationalizing Canada’s position in two ways.

Baird said:

"Canada already has some of the strongest export controls in the world”, implying we’re very careful who we sell arms to.

Then Baird adds a line that could have come straight out of the National Rifle Association’s PR handbook: 

“It is important that such a treaty should not affect lawful and responsible firearms owners nor discourage the transfer of firearms for recreational uses such as sport shooting and hunting.”

In other words, make sure limiting sales of weapons from industrial nations, used for slaughtering of millions around the world, or used to prop up despotic regimes, does not interfere with a Canadian hunter’s right to own a rifle.

Quite apart from the absurdity of the comparison – how does a rifle in the hands of a Canadian target shooter compare to an armoured  vehicle driven by an ISIS combatant? – there isn’t a shred of evidence that the Arms Trade Treaty has any effect on gun owners in Canada, period.


Stephen Harper position on global Arms Trade Treaty reads like a page out of NRA handbook 

Oped: Canada's strange inaction on the Arms Trade Treaty

Harper government says there is no need to sign arms control treaty because Canada’s export controls are the strongest

Monday, 15 December 2014

GMO Claims Debunked

Press For Truth debunks 7 claims made by the food authorities:

Claim 1: Genetic engineering isn't radical technology
Claim 2: GMO Crops aren't new
Claim 3: Farmer's Don't Want to Save Seeds, Anyway
Claim 4: The Only Way to Feed the World is Through GMOs
Claim 5: GMO's don't cause health problems
Claim 6: It's Not just Monsanto, All Research says GMOs are okay
Claim 7: *GMOs don't spread to other crops and wild plants

Medical Marijuana Patients Identified on New Canadian Drivers Licenses

Related topic:

The federal government has lost its latest attempt to prevent medical marijuana patients from growing pot at home.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

TPP : The Top Secret Trade Deal You Need to Know About

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TPP/FastTrack...Hey Media, Where are You?

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

TTIP - good or bad? Hot debate between Philippe Lamberts and Peter Chase

TTIP: A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

TTIP Debate - Brussels

StopTTIP | TTIP | TAFTA | Reporter confronts EU-Commissioner with their own ordered study!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger


The Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma & Your Food 

Chicken factory farmer speaks out

As a contractor for Perdue, farmer Craig Watts says he is contractually obligated to ensure that the chickens destined for your dinner table do not receive any form of sunlight or fresh air. In addition, the chickens are forced to lay not only on their own bed of feces, but feces that has accumulated for around the past year. This is because the floors are not cleaned between each import of new chickens, leading to thick layers of feces, other bodily fluids, limbs, and other items accumulating to the point where the underbellies of the chickens are worn red and their feathers are rubbed clean off.

Analysis Shows Nearly ALL Chicken (97%) Tainted with Harmful Bacteria

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Isaiah : GMO Foods

Isaiah Chapter 17

Isaiah 17:10

Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips

Isaiah 17:11

In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seede to flourish: but the haruest shall be a heape in the day of griefe, and of desperate sorrow.

Go to the Concordance and look up the terms, “set,” “strange,” “slips” and “heap”

Set: A primary root; to sow; fig. to disseminate, plant, fructify – bear, conceive seed, set with, sow (-er), yield.

Strange: A primary root; to turn aside; hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane; to commit adultery; (come from) another (man,place)…

Slips: a twig (as pruned): vine, branch, slip.

Heap: in the sense of piling up; a mound, i.e. wave: heap.

Now, insert the meanings into the verses:

Isa 17:10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set (sow, disseminate, bear, conceive seed…) it with strange (foreign, profane, from another man, place) slips (vine, branch):
Isa 17:11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap (in the sense of piling up; a mound) in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.

So, it appears that plants are grown that seem to flourish, but bring about a harvest that becomes a heap/wave/mound in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow because the laws of nature’s Creator have been forgotten and seed has been sown with strange/foreign/profane vines/slips.

The current most popular method of genetic engineering is to insert foreign genes into cells to create plants that are either resistant to the metal chelator Glyphosate, which the resultant crop is doused with in order to kill surrounding weeds, and/or contain a pesticide in every cell of the plant in order to kill insects.

The insertion of foreign genes creates problems that are still not completely understood and totally ignored by those promoting GMOs as the solution to world hunger, global warming, health, wealth and whatever other marketing ploy sells more seeds.

Are we being warned by prophets that lived in Biblical times about this practice and what will happen?

Even if this particular portion of Scripture was meant for years gone by, consider this:

The Creator’s laws do not change, so what was true then is true now. Maybe what we are looking at in the not so distant future is the natural consequence of mixing foreign genes together that have no place in nature, which will come upon us as “the day of grief and of desperate sorrow” when the culmination of all of these genetically engineered experiments take their toll and we are left with a smoldering heap of refuse formerly called food, littering what was once a fertile field. And just maybe they knew something way back then that we should take heed of today.

A genetically engineered harvest of grief and desperate sorrow: Prophecy or coincidence? You decide…

Matthew 7:7-8King James Version (KJV) : ASK

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.