Friday, 1 March 2013

Choice Anxiety

Do you know how many choices you make in a typical day? Do you know how many choices you make in typical week?

According to Sheena Iyengar, 70 in a typical day.

The average CEO is engaged in about 139 tasks in a week. Each task was made up of many, many, many sub-choices of course. 50% of their decisions were made in 9 minutes or less. Only about 12% of the decisions did they make an hour or more of their time.

Think about your own choices. Do you know how many choices make it into your 9 minute category versus your one hour category? How well do you think you're doing at managing those choices?

There are 3 main negative consequences to offering people more and more choices.

They're more likely to delay choosing -- procrastinate even when it goes against their best self-interest. 
They're more likely to make worse choices -- worse financial choices, medical choices.
They're more likely to choose things that make them less satisfied, even when they do objectively better.

Learn more  TED Talk - Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier